Conference Awards
Conference awards recognize individual student performance over the course of the season, and only three are awarded per event. Please note, after the 2010-11 school year, Lakeville North moved from the Lake Conference to the South Suburban conference.
South Suburban Conference:
Nicole Cummings (Prose)
Erin Enabnit (Great Speeches)
Connor Glinski (Storytelling)
Jacob Graeber (Creative Expression)
Grace Hjort (Drama, Duo)
Dennis Muchiri (Duo, Poetry)
Vanessa Nguyen (Duo)
Zachary Peick (Drama)
Johnathan Pete (Duo)
Andrea Schiefelbein (Informative, Oratory)
Tage Singh (Creative Expression, Humorous Interp)
Samuel Sweere (Duo)
Joshua Weinstein (Drama, Duo)
Lydia Bermel (Great Speeches)
Lauren Davis (Oratory)
Lauren Grimm (Great Speeches)
Grace Hjort (Drama, Duo)
Chloe Mutebi (Poetry)
Vanessa Nguyen (Duo)
Johnathan Pete (Duo)
Jacob Rabon (Prose)
Noah Schetnan (Humor)
Olivia Shoemaker (Extemp Speaking)
Tage Singh (Creative Expression)
Joshua Weinstein (Drama, Duo)
Brent Hauck (Extemp Speaking)
Taylor Loth (Storytelling)
Ellie Meyer (Storytelling)
Daniel McGill (Discussion)
Joshua Pratt (Drama)
Olivia Shoemaker (Extemp Speaking)
Tage Singh (Creative Expression)
Stephanie Butler (Duo)
Melissa Mason (Duo)
Sean Mullin (Duo)
Joshua Pratt (Duo)
Daniel Redfield (Prose)
Olivia Shoemaker (Extemp Speaking)
Stephanie Butler (Duo)
Andrew Crenshaw (Informative)
Mandi Dickie (Duo)
Nick Furlong (Duo)
Griffin Holland (Duo)
Sarah Mason (Drama, Duo)
Nyambura Muiruri (Poetry)
Sean Mullin (Duo, Oratory)
Noah Omdal (Great Speeches)
Joshua Pratt (Prose)
Will Preachuk (Creative Expression)
Hayley Sowards (Creative Expression)
Mitch Bermel (Great Speeches)
Stephanie Butler (Duo, Storytelling)
Andrew Curry (Drama)
Alex Davis (Informative)
David DeGrood (Informative, Oratory)
Mandi Dickie (Duo)
Nick Furlong (Duo)
Zach Hastad (Duo)
Kate Makowski (Drama, Duo)
Nyambura Muiruri (Poetry)
Adam Rider (Duo)
Hailey Woolverton (Drama, Oratory, Prose)
Michaela Berg (Duo)
David DeGrood (Informative)
Briley Fenimore (Duo)
Hewot Getachew (Oratory)
Emma Johnson (Humor)
Lake Conference:
Trevor Goris (Duo)
Erica Elias (Duo)
Yaphet Getachew (Informative)
Mitch Kruse (Duo)
Antonia Wornson (Duo)
Steven Elliott (Extemp Speaking)
Trevor Goris (Drama, Poetry)
Natasha Kapur (Discussion)
Ashley Mardell (Humor)
Karen Zhou (Extemp Speaking, Informative)
Emily Anderson (Creative Expression)
Adam Bouchareb (Duo)
Greta Besser (Duo)
Evan Cayeaux (Discussion)
Steven Elliott (Extemp Speaking)
Natasha Kapur (Discussion)
Courtney Koletar (Informative)
Ashley Mardell (Storytelling)
Greta Besser (Duo)
Adam Bouchareb (Duo, Humorous)
Courtney Koletar (Informative)
Ashley Mardell (Storytelling)
Cassie Batchelder (Oratory)
Greta Besser (Duo)
Adam Bouchareb (Duo)
Adam Falk (Duo)
Anne Kreuser (Oratory)
Abby Kruse (Discussion)
Shayla Owodunni (Informative)
Hannah Ubl (Drama, Oratory)
Katie Zehr (Duo)
Mike Chlipala (Informative)
James Doyle (Duo)
Anne Kreuser (Informative)
Hannah Ubl (Drama)
Katie Zehr (Duo)