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Shanu Arunkumar is the LNH[S]PEECH Booster President

Our vice president position is currently OPEN. If you or a parent are interested in joining our booster board please contact Mrs. Baese @ Room S120

Frank Leo is the LNH[S]PEECH Booster Treasurer 

Lysa Clayburn is the LNH[S]PEECH Booster Volunteer Coordinator

Kim Heiar is the LNH[S]PEECH Booster Fundraiser

Brooke Chowdhury is the LNH[S]PEECH Booster Website Coordinator

This website is independently owned, operated, and maintained by the Lakeville North Speech Boosters as a collective informational resource.  Any views or opinions expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of Independent School District 194, Lakeville North High School, or any other ISD 194 affiliates.

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